Should You Take Collagen–Benefits of Collagen for fitness Podcast 98

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Today I’m talking with registered Dietitian  Lindsey Janeiro all about collagen. Collagen powder is the most popular supplement on social media with people putting it in everything from coffee to protein snack bites. So I’m talking to an expert to ask everything you want to know – should you take it? What are the benefits? will it make me run faster? 살을 빼다? 예쁘게 보이다? get me friends? fill the hole in my heart???

If you’re new here … My name is Monica and I created Run eat Repeat over 9 years ago to document training for my first full marathon and struggles with my weight. I ran that marathon, eventually lost the weight and the site turned into a terrific community online and now this podcast! 들어 주셔서 감사합니다!

Now ‘let’s warm up!

Warm Up:

This weekend I’m running the Revel big Bear Marathon.

Thoughts before the race… approaching doom.

I don’t feel ready at all. and that stresses me out.

I used to run a half marathon and full marathon practically every month. I fell off the wagon because I was sad, not inspired and provided up on my goal.

In doing the notes for the warm up and identifying that I’m not ready to run a full marathon – in part because I didn’t train long or hard enough… but also because I got hurt in a non-physical way that really messed me up… makes me feel a bit better about it.

Yes – I could have gotten it together and ran the hell out of other marathons in the last year. yes – I could have trained harder. yes – I could have gotten in the best shape of my life!!

But I didn’t… so I start here.

This is where I am and I’m moving forward from this spot. focusing on where I was – faster, fitter, thinner… doesn’t help where I am.

I’m not being directly up reckless with my health – turns out I did run 2  -18 mile long runs! – which is all I did for m first marathon (let’s not talk about how I hated myself after that race tho).

And the only way I will get back to running marathon distance is by running a marathon, getting my ass handed to me and getting back on track.

So this weekend my marathon goals are:

A. 4 시간 이하 마라톤을 실행하십시오

B. 마라톤을 끝내기 – 똑똑하게 달리고 연료에주의를 기울이고 배우고 싶은 느낌

C. 마무리.

D. 죽지 마십시오.

And I’m running with my 1 friend!! So I’m really excited about that!!

Don’t forget – there are a lot of races coming up!!

Race discount Codes

Check the Race discount rates page for more!

Collagen Powder Nutrition for Runners

Lindsey Janeiro is a registered Dietitian and founder of Nutrition to Fit. You can follow her on instagram @NutritionToFit or on her website   .

I’m asking her all the questions on collagen! everything you (and I ) want to know about it.

What is collagen?

Should you take it? 왜요?

What are the benefits of taking collagen peptides?

What’s the difference between collagen powder versus collagen pill supplements?

Are there any side-effects?

Will it help me run faster? look younger? 살을 빼다? Be happier? less lonely? keep me warm at night?///

What is collagen powder made from?

Can it help restore skin collagen?

Are there foods that can provide the same benefits?

Are there foods that can increase collagen or help prevent collagen loss?

What should we look for in a collagen supplement? What should we avoid? (nutrition label info / sources / serving size / etc)

Here’s some info from Lindsey Janiero RD via Nutrition to Fit:

Collagen 101 – what is it?

Collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body, found in skin, muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments, and even teeth, blood vessels, and corneas. Collagen has many roles, from assisting give your skin elasticity to providing strength in your bones.

What’s in collagen made from?

Hydrolyzed collagen peptides are made by processing animal cartilage, hides, and bones. This can be from cows, pork, chicken, or other animals and may include one source (i.e. bovine hides) or multiple (hides and cartilage). They can also be sourced from marine sources, like shellfish, fish skins, or cartilage from fish or sharks.

What are the benefits?

Collagen lovers claim collagen benefits/ collagen peptide benefits for anything from improved hair, nails, and skin, to joint health, digestive health, and other various medical conditions.

Note: Dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA in the same way our conventional food supply is regulated, which means supplement business are expected to evaluate the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure they meet all demands of DSHEA and FDA guidelines (6).

Are there specific benefits for athletes?

Research is suggesting that colLagen은 관절 통증과 뼈 밀도 손실을 줄이고 예방할 수 있습니다 (9). 한 24 주간의 연구는 가수 분해 된 콜라겐을식이 보충제로 살펴 보았습니다. 운동 선수들은 활동 관련 관절 통증을 돕고, 콜라겐의 관절 건강을 지원하고, 운동 성능을 억제 할 수있는 관절 통증을 최소화하고, 관절 악화의 위험을 줄일 수 있습니다. 특정 개인 (10). [영양을 통해 몸매를 통해]

우리는 그 모든 것들과 더 많은 것을 논의합니다! 팟 캐스트를 듣고 궁금한 점이 있으면 알려주세요!

콜라겐, 영양 및/또는 등록 된 영양사 Lindsey Janiero에 대한 자세한 내용은…

영양 서비스에서 그녀의 서비스를 in Shape Services에서 확인하십시오.

콜라겐 보충제 및 파우더 – 일반적인 질문 및 정보

형태 콜라겐 이점 및 측면 영향 정보에 대한 영양

팟 캐스트 어워드 :

이번 주 최고의 달리기 그룹은 어제 길에서 본 지역 달리기 그룹으로갑니다…. 그들은 조명을 입고 있었기 때문에! 모든 러너는 여러 조명과 반사 장비를 착용했습니다. 그것은 안전의 그림이었다 (그리고 그것은 너무 예쁘다)!

예! 그들은 안전 장비를 가지고있었습니다. 팔.

조명이나 반사 기어와 같은 안전 기어가 필요한 경우이 옵션을 확인하십시오…

밤 / 어둠 속에서 달리는 최고의 장비 :

LED 안전 조명

운동화를위한 조명

반사 암 밴드

번쩍이는 조명 또는 빨간색 스트로브 조명이있는 헤드 램프

LED 런닝 벨트

반사 러닝 조끼

질문이 있으시면 runeatepeat@gmail.com으로 이메일을 보내거나 Podcast Voicemail에 전화하십시오.

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